Cleaning Protocols in a Covid-19 World
During these challenging times with the COVID-19 Pandemic, we deem it essential to implement new sanitation guidelines and processes at our hotel in order to provide a safe environment for our guests and associates.
Here are some procedures we have implemented to work towards a more sanitary and safe experience, for all:
- All our staff have been trained on 'Universal Precaution' methods
- All employees are temperature checked prior to the scheduled shifts
- Housekeeping staff has been trained on the proper use and disposal of their personal protective equipment. This includes:
- Disposable gloves
- Facial Masks
- Uniforms
- Social Distancing measures will take place in all high traffic areas such as the lobby, breakfast rooms and elevators
- All guests and staff entering the property must wear a face mask
The housekeeping staff have been trained with new protocols for cleaning and disinfecting guestrooms
- Heavy focus on all high touch-point areas such as:
- Door handles, door jams, the sides of doors (just above the handle)
- Room Furniture – desks, chairs, countertops, tables
- Bathroom vanities and accessories
- In-room telephones
- Remote controls
- Electric equipment - electric sockets, lamps, lighting controls, charging stations, thermostats
- Cleaning rags will be changed when disinfecting different areas of each room
- Extra pillows, blankets and towels will be removed from the room and available upon request
- Housekeeping carts and supplies are sanitized before and after use each day
We have also implemented property wide processes and procedures to ensure the safety and cleanliness of our facilities
- Containers are available at the front desk to drop used room keys upon check-out
- Elevator capacity will be limited
- Elevator buttons will be cleaned and sanitized at regular intervals
- Disinfect the staff break room and all appliances, handles, and tables
- Sanitize all common area amenities such as vending machines, ice machines, coffee and beverage stations
- Removing pamphlets, maps, menus, and magazines from common areas
- Disinfect seats, tables, lamps, and all areas that are commonly touched by guests in lobbies and common areas
- Front Desk Procedures
- Sneeze guard at Front Desk to prevent spread at lobby
- Front desk staff are instructed to wear disposable gloves
- Temporarily Closed Amenities